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Past Events

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Aug 12, 2024: New England Broadcasting, Nationally Syndicated Podcast with host Ron Van Dam

Dr. Koltuska  will be a guest on the Ron Van Dam podcast.

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Aug 05, 2024: KKVI, TX Radio Podcast

Dr Koltuska will be a guest on the  radio podcast with host Valder Beebe

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Jul 29, 2024: Nashville Radio Show with host Sharon Kay

Dr. Koltuska will be a guest on the Sharon Kay Radio Show

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Jun 13, 2024: WMKV-FM, Reading OH, Live Podcast with host Russ Heltman.

WMKV-FM, Reading OH,  Live Podcast with host  Russ Heltman.

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Aug 25, 2023: Author Event at the Corrales Library, Corrales NM

Author event at the Corrales, NM Library, Friday August 25th at 3PM

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May 06, 2023: Author Event at the Lomas/Tramway Library

Author Event at the Lomas/Tramway Library

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Apr 28, 2023: Author Event at the Corrales Library, Corrales NM

Author Event at the Corrales Library, Corrales NM

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Mar 14, 2023: DE MODE International Magazine, Global Issue, featured Dr. Koltuska's Book and Interview with the author. Dr. Koltuska's book was named one of DE MODE Magazine's "Unputdownable Books of 2023".

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Nov 12, 2022: 2022 Brain Injury Awareness Conference Presentation

Tiltle of the Presentation: "How To Keep Your Brain Healthy  After Brain Injury"

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Sep 24, 2022: Author Event at the Rudolfo Anaya Library, Albuquerque, NM.

Please join Dr. Koltuska-Haskin at the Author Event at the Rudolfo Anaya Library

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Aug 27, 2022: Author Event at the Cherry Hills Library, Albuquerque, NM.

Author Event at the Cherry Hills Library, Albuquerque, NM.

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Aug 17, 2022: TV Interview on the KRQE News 13 “This Morning At 8AM” show.

TV Interview on the KRQE News 13 “This Morning At 8AM” show.

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Jul 07, 2022 – Jul 07, 2023: First Foreign Translation and Publication of Dr. Koltuska's Book, "How My Brain Works"

Dr. Koltuska's Book, "How My Brain Works" was translated into Polish and recently published in Poland.

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Jun 11, 2022: Author Event at the Cherry Hills Library, Albuquerque, NM.

Please join Dr. Koltuska-Haskin  at the "Author Event" at the Cherry Hills Library, Albuquerque, NM.

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May 24, 2022: Brain Functioning and Brain Health Webinar for the NM Retiree Health Care Authority Membership

Brain Functioning and Brain Health Webinar for the NM Retiree Health Care Authority Membership

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May 11, 2022: TV Interview on the KRQE News 13 “This Morning At 8AM” show.

TV Interview on the  KRQE News 13 “This Morning At 8AM”  show. 

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Apr 26, 2022: Book Reading/ Author Event at the Taos, NM Library

Book Reading/ Author Event at the Taos, NM Library

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Mar 03, 2022: Another Award (7th Award!) for the Book "How My Brain Works"

How My Brain Works has been chosen as a finalist in the 2022 Eric Hoffer Awards in the DaVinci Eye category for its cover design.


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Feb 22, 2022: Online book Reading at the Corrales Library Dr. Koltuska for readings from her book "How My Brain Works."

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Feb 16, 2022: Interview on the T.J. Trout Radio Show on News Radio KKOB Barbara Koltuska talks about her new book "How My Brain Works: A Guide to Understanding It Better and Keeping It Healthy" on News Radio KKOB

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Dec 09, 2021: Online book Reading at the Los Alamos Library

Please join Dr. Koltuska-Haskin  for reading from her book " How My Brain Works".

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Nov 30, 2021: " How My Brain Works" 1st PLACE WINNER at the 2021 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards in the Health/Diet/ Nutrition category.

"How My Brain Works" won the 1st PLACE in the 2021 Royal Dragonfly Book Awards in the Health/ Diet/ Nutrition category.

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Nov 14, 2021: "How My Brain Works" was a Winner of the Book of the Year Awards in the Health/Medicine category.

"How My Brain Works" was a Winner of the Book of the Year Awards in the Health/Medicine category.

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Oct 26, 2021: "How My Brain Works" was Honored a Distinguished Favorite Award at the New York City Big Book Awards

"How My Brain Works" was Honored a Distinguished Favorite Award at the  New York City Big Book Awards

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Oct 16, 2021: 2021 Brain Injury Awareness Conference Presentation

Title of the Presentation: "How a Neurospychological Evaluation Can Help You After Brain Injury."

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Oct 01, 2021: "How My Brain Works" was a Finalist in the New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards

"How My Brain Works" was a  Finalist in the New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards

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Sep 15, 2021: "How My Brain Works" a Silver Medal Winner of the Readers' Favorite 2021 International Book Awards

"How My Brain Works" has been honored as a Silver Medal Winner of the Readers' Favorite 2021 Interantional Book Awards in the "Health-Medical" category.

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Aug 15, 2021: Edible Flowers that are Good for the Body and Brain. shared Dr. Koltuska's article for Psychology Today Magazine

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Aug 10, 2021: How to Keep Your Brain Fit Interview on News Radio KKOB

Dr. Koltuska was interviewed on the TJ Trout show.

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Jul 28, 2021 – Jul 30, 2021: International Brain Injury Association. 2021 Virtual World Congress on Brain Injury Presentation

Title of the Presentation: “How the Community Neuropsychologist can Help Patients Improve the Outcome of Brain Injury. Important Factors, but Frequently Forgotten. Practical Perspective”

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Jun 30, 2021: "How My Brain Works" a Finalist of 2021 International Book Awards

"How My Brain Works" has been honored as a finalist of the 2021 International Book Awards in the “Health: Psychology and Mental Health” category.

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Dec 10, 2020: SouthWest Writers Interview with Dr. Barbara Koltuska-Haskin